The Lyceum Club Brisbane is a non-profit, membership-based association of women. The Club supports women who have similar interests, directed by a personal desire to keep up with changing trends and a wish to stay up to date with current knowledge. One of its core aims is to offer learningopportunities to members through regular lectures from experts in their fields and through study groups. All activities enrich members’ lives as they explore areas within art, literature, music, science, education, journalism, poetry, cinema, current affairs and other subjects of interest.
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General Meetings are held twice per month and provide opportunities for members to keep up with friends, enjoy interesting and informative presentations and meet eminent speakers. The syllabus year runs from October to the next October.
Members also participate in interactive study groups called Circles where they learn in a pleasant social atmosphere. Circle leaders or Conveners take the lead in organizing topics and facilitating peer group discussion. These Circles encourage a free exchange of ideas and viewpoints and provide informal opportunities to share and gain information.
Circle activities include:
- Art gallery visits and discussions
- Book Clubs
- Cinema viewing
- Evening events
- Mah-Jong
- Music
- Needlecraft
- Poetry reading
- Sunshine Coast (this group has its own Circle schedule)
- Theatre
- Travel
- Walking in History
All members are invited to make suggestions to the Curriculum Committee for topics, invited speakers or subjects for the Syllabus. This ensures that topics covered are those that are of ongoing relevance to all members.